I don’t know more than four words of French so there’s always a risk that the blog post by Fabrice Epelboin that I just stumbled upon, L’infrastructure derrière MySpace, may actually be about photos of butts on myspace.com rather than the infrasctructure behind it:
Quelques chiifres pour nos amis geeks :
2,682 serveurs web
90 serveur ‘cache’ avec 16GB de RAM chacun
450 serveurs Dart pour la pub
60 serveurs de bases de données
150 serveurs spécialisé ‘média’ (son/image)
1000 disques dur en SAN
3 data center
17000MB/s de bande passante
Here’s Google’s French –> English translation of the text.
Well, I’m too busy/lazy to write in English, but infrastructure has the same meaning in French and in english ;-)
Basicaly, this post was about the technical hardware powering myspace, and had nothing to do with butts or anything related (thought if you have some data about this, I’ll be happy to read them ;-)
serveur : server
base de données : database
disque dur : hard disk
Pretty impressive setup they have… it basically translates to this:
2682 web servers
90 cache servers with 16GB of RAM
450 Dart(?) advertising servers
60 database servers
150 media servers
1000 disk SAN
3 data centers
17000 MB/s of bandwidth