robin on chris evans show (thurs)

Look_back210x130_1I’m tentatively scheduled to be interviewed about blogging by Chris Evans on BBC Radio 2 this evening at 17.25 BST 18.25 BST(that’s 18.25 19.25 CET and 12.25 13.25 EST).

In a chat with someone from the programme a few minutes ago, I mentioned that the Daily Kos, currently the 6th most linked to blog according to tracking service technorati, get’s 600,000 visits a day. The Kos was started four years ago by Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, a former American soldier who grew up in El Salvador and Chicago, and is now one of the busiest blogs around with a daily audience larger than many major UK broadsheet newspapers (according to newspaper circulation figures, about the same as The Times and greater than the Guardian and Independent combined). I also sort of made the throw-away comment that Daily Kos "probably even has a larger audience than Chris Evans!"

Well, apparently not. The Guardian reckons he has 6.5 million listeners. Queue nervousness…

[You can listen live or download the podcast later [go to 1 hour 20 minutes for my bit] from the programme website.]

One Comment

  1. 6.5 million is NOTHING. a tiny little spec. just do one of those ‘they’re all naked’ sort of public speaking things and have fun. ill have to listen to podcast as it’s bedtime here & you’re not on for another 2 hrs or so. (though not before i also alert clare of the big news! :)
    ltr, j

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