As previously mentioned here, I’m taking part in a Readers’ Revolution panel discussion, organised by, and taking place on Monday, 04 December, at Imperial College, London.
Tickets for the event ran dry almost as soon as it was announced (which is a bit scary) but I’ve got three free tickets to give away to readers – first three to comment below get them.
The panelists are:
* Kevin Anderson, who recently left the BBC to become Blogs Editor at The Guardian. He’s been an online journalist since 1996, designing, editing and writing websites for both broadcast and print media. Kevin blogs at StrangeAttractor.
* Clyde Bentley, Associate Professor at the Missouri School of Journalism and is involved in a grassroots journalism project, Clyde has spent 25 years in the newspaper industry and now focuses on online journalism.
* Robin Hamman is a Senior Broadcast Journalist / Senior Producer for BBC English Regions. He’s also Project Manager of the BBC Blogs Network, for which he has developed a day long workshop for those managing or authoring a BBC blog and is Co-Author of the BBC Manchester Blog.
Yes please Robin!
One for me, too, please, Robin.