Steven Berlin Johnson provides some background info on his latest project (which I bookmarked last week)
lists the pros and cons of each of them, including their methodology for how each search engine “ranks” their searches.
Highlights Sifry: “It’s still in the low thousands. Most bloggers don’t make much money… But there are hundreds of thousands of bloggers who do make enough to pay their bills for bandwidth.”
Democratic candidates with blogs had a record of 11-5, while Republicans were 3-8.
But Jarvis reckons special-interest magazines — community magazines, to put it another way — have a brighter prospect — if they understand how to enable that community.
I particularly like this one: “mbrace and encourage blogs as a mechanism to foster creativity, team-spirit, and problem-solving, allowing personnel to make postings in their own names on company time and to link those postings to the website.”
Key elements are 1) profile, 2) Traversable, publicly articulated social netork, 3) Semi-persistent public comments