“While sharing information with your Facebook friends may feel cosy, it may be more like performing at a small venue than a private conversation.”
“Over the past twelve months, investors shelled out, mainstream media perked up and thousands mobilized to share their news with the world. In short, 2007 marked citizen journalism’s coming out.”
Richard Sambrook’s round-up of recent comment on the future of multimedia news… it’s all about integration and innovation
Get a breaking news blog, add widgets, learn from sports, ask readers for information and call out the liars. There, you don’t have to read it now.
“I now blog professionally in three different places and it does somewhat curtail the time I can spend on this blog.” Well done Graham!
“In essence, they all said they had no evidence to suggest it created more traffic to their respective news sites, but it created more loyal users and was a way of connecting with the blogosphere which gave added value to their websites (Sweden), and it w
“…the mobile telephone strengthens social ties within the circle of friends and family–sometimes at the expense of interaction with those who are physically present–and creates what he calls “bounded solidarity.”
Guardian US correspondent Suzanne Goldenberg tries to cover the Obama New Hampshire campaign effort – and finds it increasingly difficult to ask questions without being hassled by campaign staff.
“I’ll be looking at the websites of Al Jazeera, BBC News, CNN, Euronews, France 24, ITN, Russia Today and Sky News. As ever I’ll be looking at the features and usability of their sites, with an eye on the types of so-called Web 2.0 functionality they offe
a nice explanation of what constitutes an online community and how social networking and other tools have changed the ideas we had back in the 90’s about online community
“The Lazysphere – a working definition – is a group of bloggers who I won’t name by name, but you can spot them a mile away. Rather than create new ideas or pen thoughtful essays, they simply glom on to the latest news with another ‘me too’ blog post.”