cybersoc stats for april 2008

Below are the visitor statistics for, as reported by statcounter (and let’s not even start debating their validity!) There were 6,046 "unique visitors", generating a total of 7,264 page loads. That’s an average of 202 daily unique visitors and 242 average page loads.


Any direct comparison with April 2007 is problematic because, due to my posts about the Virginia Tech massacre, there was an unusually high amount of traffic (16,284 uniques / 22,219 page loads). There has, over the current quarter, been a slight fall in traffic each month.

In part this is probably due to the increase in the number of people who read this blog through an RSS reader rather than visiting the site itself. On Tuesday of this week, Feedburner reported my highest ever one day figure of 1022 subscriptions. The average over the month was 798 and reacy was 122 (avg). Below you’ll also find the three most popular feed items for the month:


The really interesting thing for me this month is that page loads on my other blog, which I primarily do for fun and have created almost entirely by using my cameraphone to upload photos and posts, is starting to catch up with cybersoc , which I’ve long regarded as my "main blog". It’s also picking up RSS subscriptions which, I think, is a sign that RSS is becoming more mainstream.

Thanks to everyone who visited or subscribed over the last month. I hope you have, and continue to, find the content here useful.