It appears that conference season has begun.
On Tuesday I moderated a panel about using social media to have "difficult conversations at Social Media Influence in London with panelists Headshift's Lee Bryant (my boss), Andy Hobsbawm from and Paolo Valdemarin of Evector.
[Photo by Kris Hoet]
Today, I'm on two panels during the final afternoon of DNA2009 in Brussels. I'll be joining Laura Oliver (, Darren Waters (BBC), Katharina Borchert (WAZ) and Bart Brouwers (Spits) for a panel about twitter, moderated by Ben Hammersley and possibly being joined remotely by Jeff Jarvis.
Later I'm on an experts panel responding to questions about social media.
Follow it all on twitter…
John Thompson, publisher of the excellent, streamed the panel live. Here's the first of his four clips:
Watch live video from johncthompson's channel on