Alex's multimedia mobile reporting adventure continues, this time covering 20 years since the fall of the Berlin wall…
Laws described as "out of date" and "draconian" came a step closer to reform yesterday, after the government launched a consultation on the future of internet libel.
Things to ask yourself as you create your social media strategy…
Nice presentation of some key usage facts about the internet
"As the medium has become more popular, money has flowed in. And while no one would deny that blogging has lowered the barriers to self-publication by average citizens, the free-wheeling fraternal spirit of blogging has become increasingly subject to market disciplines. As a result, as Web critic Nicholas Carr told me, blogging has evolved to become “a lot more like a traditional mass medium.”
quoted in this post… "The current enterprise branding/marketing outflows and monitoring systems are not designed for engagement. Instead they are asynchronous push mechanisms"