For BBC news editors, Twitter and RSS readers are to become essential tools, says Horrocks. Aggregating and curating content with attribution should become part of a BBC journalist's assignment; and BBC's journalists have to integrate and listen to feedback for a better understanding of how the audience is relating to the BBC brand.
'It provides journalists with a wider range of opinion, and gives them access to a whole range of voices'
Nice tool allowing you to slice facebook profile data by geographic location
A really interesting data analysis and visualisation of facebook usage by Americans – essentially, it shows how different regions are defined and connected to each other
Health minister Phil Hope said that the department spent £2,720,457.11 between 1 February 2009 and 31 January 2010, running 21,939 active search terms on Google's Adwords service, through which users bid for space on the search engine's sponsored links.
Nice, real life statistics showing how engagement and activity drop off when community management comes to an end
"What happens when an investor “friends” his broker or agent and they use Facebook chat or e-mail to discuss account activities? This sort of scenario sends shivers through the spine of those responsible for compliance in the financial services sector.."